June 4, 2021/Recipes
  • By admin
  • Post Views: 12

Prep time: 10 minutes (+ time to freeze watermelon) • Serves: 4-6


6 c. seedless watermelon, cut into small chunks and frozen
2 c. chilled brewed fruit tea (or water)*
¼ c. fresh lime juice
2 T. Great Canadian Honey
2 T. fresh mint
6-8 large ice cubes (optional)

Garnish: (optional)

  • Sprigs of fresh mint
  • Small watermelon wedges

*Tip: Although it is optional, brewed fruit tea greatly enhances the flavor of this recipe when compared to using plain water.


  1. Add frozen watermelon, chilled tea (or water), lime juice, Great Canadian Honey, and fresh mint to a high-powered blender. Blend on high until thoroughly combined, approximately 2-3 minutes. Add ice cubes, if necessary, to achieve desired consistency.
  2. Pour watermelon mixture into four chilled glasses. Garnish with sprigs of fresh mint and/or watermelon wedges, if using, and serve immediately.


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