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Honey Maple Blueberry Crisp Recipe

Blueberry Crunch Recipe

Prep time: 15 minutes • Cook time: 45-50 minutes • Serves: 4-6


4 c. fresh blueberries, rinsed
¼ c. real maple syrup
¾ t. ground cinnamon
½ t. ground allspice
½ t. dried rosemary (or 1½ t. fresh, finely chopped)

Topping Ingredients:

¾ c. old-fashioned rolled oats
¼ c. almond flour
¼ c. almonds, sliced
¼ c. Great Canadian Honey
2 T. unsalted butter, melted
1/8 t. table salt

Optional, to Serve:
1 c. Greek yogurt


  1. Place top oven rack in the center position and pre-heat oven to 350°
  2. Place blueberries in a large bowl. Add maple syrup, cinnamon, allspice, rosemary, and salt. Toss to combine and set aside.
  3. Combine the topping ingredients in a separate bowl and stir until oats are thoroughly coated and all ingredients are well combined. Set aside.
  4. Pour blueberry mixture into a 10” cast iron skillet and spread into an even layer. Spread the topping evenly across the top in a uniform layer, as well.
  5. Place into pre-heated oven and bake for 30 minutes. If the top layer is nicely browned at this point, cover dish loosely with aluminum foil to prevent over-browning. Bake for another 15-20 minutes or until the blueberry crisp is nice and bubbling. Remove from oven and set aside to cool for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Serve warm with some Greek yogurt, and a drizzle of Great Canadian Honey if desired.



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Greek Yogurt Berry Cheesecake Parfaits Recipe – Made With Honey!

Prep time: 10 minutes • Chilling time: 2 hours • Serves: 4

Crust Ingredients:

¼ c. raw almonds
¼ c. raw pecans
3 pitted dates, roughly chopped
¼ t. ground cinnamon, plus more for garnish

Cheesecake Ingredients:

4 oz. cream cheese, room temperature
1 c. full-fat Greek yogurt
3 T. Great Canadian Honey
1 t. real vanilla extract
1 c. strawberries, chopped
1 c. raspberries
½ c. blueberries


  1. In the bowl of a food processor, combine almonds, pecans, dates, and cinnamon. Pulse until the mixture starts to form a ball and the nuts are nicely broken down. Divide the nut crust between 4 individual serving dishes or jars and set aside.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese, Greek yogurt, honey, and vanilla with an electric mixer until smooth. Set aside.Tip: If cream cheese isn’t fully softened, beat it first before adding the other ingredients.
  3. Divide half of the cheesecake mixture between the 4 serving dishes or jars and divide half of the berries among the individual dishes. Repeat this process with remaining cheesecake mixture and fresh berries.
  4. Place the parfaits in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours to chill. To serve, garnish with ground cinnamon or an extra drizzle of Great Canadian Honey if desired.